Why we exist
Ecological Transformation, that is our purpose.
The Ecological Transformation means acting to reconcile human progress and environmental protection. We develop and implement locally solutions to depollute our vital resources and preserve them from depletion, solutions to decarbonize our ways of living and producing and adapt them to the consequences of climate change.
Our purpose into actions
Our Multifaceted Performance wheel
To be useful to all its stakeholders, Veolia has incorporated environmental, social and governance(ESG) objectives and indicators at the heart of the company’s operation. This is what Veolia refers to as “multifaceted performance. The multifaceted performance wheel represents our balanced commitments and impact between:
- our 5 mains stakeholders - our client, our employees, our shareholders, the society and the planet.
- Everything is linked, that's why we have adopted a multifaceted vision of our performance,
- in line with United Nation's sustainable goals
- with real KPIs.
Our GreenUp Strategy
The ecological awareness must now be channelled towards effective action, which protects rather than punishes, which reconciles the economy with ecology, and human health with the environment. This is the meaning of our new strategic programme: GreenUp!
Direct impact on UNSDG Goals
Decarbonization - Scopes 1 & 2 reduction
Landfill gas capture and utilization: We capture methane gas produced by decomposing waste in landfills. This gas is then used to generate electricity, reducing both Scope 1 emissions (direct emissions from landfills) and Scope 2 emissions (by reducing reliance on grid electricity).
Depollution - Biodiversity
Water saving & resource regeneration
A self-sustained sludge treatment facility that an advanced desalination plant is used to purify seawater drawing from the nearby Deep Bay to provide potable and process water, while rainwater is collected for non-potable use. The facility achieves “zero effluent discharge” through the deployment of a compact wastewater treatment system that allows all wastewater to be collected, treated and reused on-site for irrigation, flushing and cleansing purposes.
Depollution - Biodiversity
The WENT project utilizes oysters as bioindicators to monitor and assess water quality, leveraging these filter-feeding organisms' sensitivity to environmental changes and their ability to accumulate pollutants, thereby providing valuable data on the long-term health and cleanliness of the aquatic ecosystem.
Resource Regeneration
Southa Engineering Limited is considered the strongest contractor based in Hong Kong when it comes to ice rink, industrial cold storage and quick freezing. We are also the leader in Hong Kong in computerized real fire training systems and cremators. We are ready to provide a full range Energy management contract offering energy performance contracting and environmental services.