Veolia hosted a Green Talk to echo Plastic Bag Free Day

Veolia hosted a Green Talk on strategies for fighting plastic pollution to echo the International Plastic Bag Free Day

To echo the International Plastic Bag Free Day in July and to further arouse staff members' awareness of plastic pollution, Veolia Hong Kong has joined hands with The Green Earth to hold a Talk on plastic waste management on 26 July. 

The talk was held in a hybrid format, allowing colleagues across our Hong Kong project sites to attend in person or online.  It is our honour to have invited Mr. Edwin LAU, the founder of Green Earth, to give our colleagues a 1-hour-long discussion on the challenges of plastic waste in Hong Kong.Not only did all participants gain a better understanding of the various types of plastics and their recycling requirements, but they also learned crucial ways to avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle, and dispose of plastics.

In this year's International Plastic Bag Free Day, Veolia Group published a video highlighting our commitment to combating plastic pollution. We believe that plastic pollution is THE challenge for the next generations. It can only be tackled if we work together.

Together, let's build a world without single-use plastic bags.